Sunday, November 23, 2008


My hair used to be pretty long! But i was startign to get split ends so I decided I needed to get it cut. And I was ready for a change so I cut i short! it's only a little longer than my shoulder like a inch longer than my collar bone (thanks shayna!) I like it, but sometimes I do miss my long hair. A lot of my friends have been freaking out lately about it though. When I first got it done my friends would do a double take. They'd be like, "Hey britt." and then notice my hair was short and then go, "Oh my gosh! you got a hair cut!" haha The big picture above is with my new hair cut...sorry if you can't really see how short it is

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Britt..Don't miss it. It will grow back. You are just as adorable as before!